Mexican and Pirate naval ships and ground engaged each other outside the town of Progress on May 5th. Reports state that the Pirate fleet commanded by Raul Luis Gonzalez opened fired on a Mexican flotilla of troop carriers as they neared Progress. Initially the Pirates seemed to have the upper hand until the Mexican Dreadnoughts El Calavera & Teocali arrived, and began sinking and ramming the Pirate felt which was no match for the Mexican Dreadnoughts. On shore the Mexican troops began assaulting some hastily built barriers by the Pirates who put heavy fire into the oncoming Mexican troops but were unable to stop their charge. It was said by the townspeople of Progress that the Mexicans seem invulnerable as the bullets bounced off them. As the Mexican forces swept the pirates from the sea and land, Captain Gonzalez called a general retreat and his men retreated into the sea. As this reporter got to the battle a day later he found that the Mexicans had left already and no remains of the Gonzalez’s men were to be found. This reporter wonders why the Mexican and Pirate forces fought, and are the Mexican troops actually invulnerable to bullets. If this is true, it could change the balance of power in the Maze.
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