It has been heard from Reverend Grimme’s mouth that he has thank the heroes who found out and disposed of a plot to remove him and his government from power in Lost Angels. The Reverend thanked the heroes personally, who gladly came after being told they were to be thanked personally by Reverend Grimme.
The plot was started by one of the leaders of the missionaries the “Red Angels” Catherine Rodriguez. Luckily this band of heroes was able to deduce that this political renegade and non-believer was planning to overthrow the government of Lost Angels and attempt to control the flow of fresh water to all the settlements. Caroline Rodriguez started her betrayal in the mining towns of the Maze, attempting to build contacts with people in the Ghost Rock and fresh water industry. She failed to gain any recruits and was kicked out of numerous towns, unknown to Reverend Grimme.
She had deviously had built a network in Shan Fan in case her call for overthrow failed in the numerous mining settlements, and had recruits armed and ready to take over Lost Angels.
Instead her plans were foiled by an adventurous band of men and women in their devotion to God and the idea of a Free California, were able to end Ms. Rodriguez’s plans of an overthrow by killing her and many of her men on an unnamed island outside of Lost Angels. This island was her base of operations, as Angel Samuels has reported to us. So to those Heroes out there, thank you says the people of Lost Angels.
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