Thursday, July 10, 2008

McDuffy Gang Bloodbath-April 18th, 1878

James McDuffy along with his two brothers Jake and Jeffery escaped on April 18th as Pinkertons were escorting them to the New York City Courthouse for trial on their murders of U.S. Marshall Robert Thomston in July 1877. Members of the McDuffy gang came out of alleys and stores in the street and shot down the Pinkertons in cold blood. Four Pinkertons have been murdered but their names have yet to be released to the press. James McDuffy was reported by a bystander to have said, “I will have my revenge on everyone that betrayed me.” The gang was captured in Kansas while attempting to rob a Union Blue train, when giant automations of rock attacked the gang. Union Blue representatives have stated that they know nothing of these rock creatures. If you have any information on the whereabouts of the gang, the Pinkertons are offering reward money.

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