Thursday, July 24, 2008
Sad news for the people around Freedom this day. We have been notified that a local scientist from the Maze, a Mr. Harmon Kelly, has been found murdered a few miles outside of Freedom. A Union patrol found the remains of Mr. Kelly and his compatriots strung along the side of the road for about a mile. "Whoever did this is one nasty sonnuva bitch, it had to be some Injun or some beast, because no man could do somethin' as horrific as that." stated Sergeant Holmes.
Currently the Union Army has closed off the area while they wait for the nearest U.S. Marshall to investigate the matter. It is has been whispered that Mr. Kelly was working on some big project for the military which has gone missing. Stay tuned fellow readers as we will keep you up to date on the TRUTH.
After months of communication being down in the Northern part of the Great Maze, the telegraph lines along with the postal service, are back up and running. Due to the efforts of Congressman Conkling of New York and his allies in the Maze the destructive activities by the bandits and criminals in the wake of the resent unrest have been counteracted. Bringing a measure of peace the terrorized people of the Maze from the horror that exploded from Shan Fan a few months back.
In addition to this pardner, we have heard rumours, but are unable to confirm this as of yet, that CSA forces have retaken territory that was lost during Santa Anna's brief blitzkrieg and have started to encroach on territory close to the City of Lost Angels. Currently Reverend Grimme has sent no emissaries or troops to meet the CSA forces even though he has made numerous proclamations over the last year that he is the leader and savior of the Maze.
Seems like the Great Maze can never calm down!!!
Mr. Kuranni Suresh, lawyer for the esteemed Mr. Darius Hellstromme, has made it known that Hellstromme industries has put out a $5,000 bounty for the live capture of Joseph Donnelly. Though less, monies will be also be paid out for any information leading to his capture or for his proof of death. Mr. Donnelly is wanted for crimes against Hellstromme Industries and Wasatch Railroad. He is being sought out for the nefarious deeds of murder, theft, and industrial espionage. Hellstromme industries is also paying for any information in regards to the whereabouts of his family, the least of which include a daughter, name unknown at this time, who is last known to be out West and son, known as Patrick William Donnelly Jr. Any information regarding either of these children or any other known associates of Joseph Donnelly will fetch a sizable reward. Please provide such information to any office of Hellstromme Industries or Wasatch Railroads. Remember Hellstromme Industries keep you safe!!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Hellstromme Angry at the United States
August 5th, 1878
Darius Hellstromme has demanded that the United States Government pay compensation for the loss of six of his newest Mark 10 Automatons. His words on the matter were "I have evidence that points to the United States sending their agents into Deseret to sabotage my newest invention and to stop me from selling them. I will be waiting for compensation for my monetary loss and it will hurt the Union more if I close down my armament sales to the United States Government." stated Darius Hellstromme. So far there has been no comment from the U.S. ambassador in Deseret.
Battle in the Maze
July 28th, 1878
Union troops and naval forces fought off an attack by the Mexican Armada on Fort Lincoln a day ago. The Mexican forces attempted to destroy the Union's naval forces in the Maze by attacking the docks at Fort Lincoln. Luckily General Strong had received intelligence on the tactics used by the Mexican forces from his military intelligence and was able to prepare defenses for his base of command in case of such a situation. As the Mexican forces moved closer, this reporter who was there for assignment saw the tent city that was housing the Union forces ripped off and under them a whole trench network around the fort, stocked with soldiers and Gatling rifles and Gatling tripods spraying the battlefield with lead.
Amazingly the Mexican forces still pushed forward and it seemed that many of the Mexicans would get back up after being shot. Maybe as others have written, the Mexicans have bought in bulk bullet proof clothing from Smith and Robards who have stated that they have not. As the Mexican forces were shambling forward under the intense fire from Fort Lincoln, the Union Calvary attacked from their flanks. This was one of the most intense battles I have ever witnessed as I saw soldiers shooting the Mexicans in the head while cutting off the heads of others. After 7 hours of intense fighting and hand to hand combat around the fort, the Mexican forces retreated down the coast where they must have been able to rendezvous with their Armada which was forced to stay at bay due to the long range cannons of Fort Lincoln. As of today no sightings of the Mexicans have been seen, but be glad to know that Fort Lincoln stands to protect the people of the Union in California.
July 16th, 1878
Only a month after the the War-hawks led by Congressman Thomas Conkling were able to pass and make into Law the Ghost Rock Act of 1878, they are now demanding that Britain surrender Detroit back to the Union. Detroit was taken underhandedly by the British during the November Offensives of 1876, while the Union was fighting off the Confederates, the British snuck in from Canada and occupied Detroit. Conkling demands that Detroit is released back into the fold of the Union and reparations are paid to the United States for damages accrued under the reign of the British in Detroit.
So far no comment has been heard from the British Ambassador in Washington D.C. Congressman Watson has stated, " We will bring the Union war machine to bear on the British Empire if they do not begin negations immediately with the United States on this matter.
Back East July 8th, 1878
The biggest event for this years Independence day was Sir Lionel Thompson's Fourth of July party held at his estate in Washington D.C. His parties are some of the toughest to gain entrance to, as many of the influential people of the United States stride to be an attendee at one of his galas. At this party this reporter was able to see President Grant and his entourage of supporters. Also seen was Richard Hayes and even Andrew Johnson came back to Washington D.C. for the gala. Not seen at this party was the upcoming Congressman from New York, Thomas Conkling, who has been stirring up a hornet's nest with his calls for action in California. Many are calling him and his supporters the new "Warhawks". Well if war is coming I feel sorry for those folks out West.
Operatives have been Seen in the Maze July 1st, 1878
There has been talk and whispers for months that both intelligence agencies of the North and South have been up to something the Maze. Many residents of the maze have made comments about seeing the black coats of Northern strike teams and the gruff Texas Rangers striding through the mining towns looking for something or someone. Some have speculated that all the action up at Progress was caused by the actions of operatives of the North and South preventing the Mexicans from attaining a foothold in Progress. Others talk of some operatives being involved in a skirmish between the CSA and the Mexican Army under Santa Anna himself! So far they have kept to the shadows and the people myself and my compatriots have interviewed have either been very forgetful or unwilling to spill the beans on the actions of these secret few. So keep watch for those men who hide in the shadows.
Tensions are High June 28th, 1878
Hi pardner! In the Maze as of late tempers are rising. The Blue-coats are bringing in troops daily. Fort Lincoln is becoming a tent city with the increase in men. The Rebs are trying to match the Union's numbers but so far pardner they have not been able to. But watch out for those Mexicans they have increased their presence as much as the blue-coats. Their "Armada" has been seen all over the Maze raiding mining towns that are currently not allied to any of the major powers in the Maze. Reverend Grimme has also made a proclamation to remind the world that California is free from the United States, the Confederate States of America, and the Mexican Empire. The avenging angels of Lost Angels have been seen more frequently in all the areas of California not just the Maze. Nothing has really been heard from Shan Fan, but many wonder what Warlord Kang plans to do with the increased tensions in the Maze. Violence is always good for business for the Triad.
Also it has been heard from many parts of California that there should be a caucus to have a new referendum to see if California will join the Confederate States or the United States. It seems many people are not happy with their current form of government, Governor Mark Stapleton of the Commonwealth of California has stated, 'We listen to the will of the people, if they want a new election after having one a few years back, than so be it, We are a commonwealth built on our people."
It looks like the escalating actions by all parties involved could bring about more chaos than the Voting Riots of 1876. The Commonwealth has only been in existence for a few years and already it has begun to crumble at its edges. I tell you pardner, violence is in the wind.
In the last three days, numerous reports have been sent into the local paper about a rash of murders of people as their bodies have been found in allies and back streets. What makes these murders extraordinary are that they seem like they have wasted away, like they died of old age. The bodies of the victims who have not been identified, but this reporter has learned that out of the 7 bodies found so far, 4 of them have been linked to the missing leaders of the Denver City Council. This reported wonders if these deaths have anything to do with the burning of buildings and the sound of gunfire that has been mentioned by witnesses in the areas where the bodies have been found. This sounds a like a mystery for this reporter to dig more into. I will report more to you later pardners.
It has been heard from Reverend Grimme’s mouth that he has thank the heroes who found out and disposed of a plot to remove him and his government from power in Lost Angels. The Reverend thanked the heroes personally, who gladly came after being told they were to be thanked personally by Reverend Grimme.
The plot was started by one of the leaders of the missionaries the “Red Angels” Catherine Rodriguez. Luckily this band of heroes was able to deduce that this political renegade and non-believer was planning to overthrow the government of Lost Angels and attempt to control the flow of fresh water to all the settlements. Caroline Rodriguez started her betrayal in the mining towns of the Maze, attempting to build contacts with people in the Ghost Rock and fresh water industry. She failed to gain any recruits and was kicked out of numerous towns, unknown to Reverend Grimme.
She had deviously had built a network in Shan Fan in case her call for overthrow failed in the numerous mining settlements, and had recruits armed and ready to take over Lost Angels.
Instead her plans were foiled by an adventurous band of men and women in their devotion to God and the idea of a Free California, were able to end Ms. Rodriguez’s plans of an overthrow by killing her and many of her men on an unnamed island outside of Lost Angels. This island was her base of operations, as Angel Samuels has reported to us. So to those Heroes out there, thank you says the people of Lost Angels.
Congressman Watson has joined with Congressman Conkling to push for sending more troops to California. “We need to secure the Ghost Rock for our own protection. We cannot let Mexico or the Confederacy have a monopoly on Ghost Rock.”” Stated Congressmen Watson. In the House of Representatives, the votes needed to send additional troops to California are rising and many members of Congress are joining with Conkling to bring California back into the Union. “If we ever have a chance of being one country again, we have to control the Ghost Rock.” Stated Congressman Conkling.
Mexican and Pirate naval ships and ground engaged each other outside the town of Progress on May 5th. Reports state that the Pirate fleet commanded by Raul Luis Gonzalez opened fired on a Mexican flotilla of troop carriers as they neared Progress. Initially the Pirates seemed to have the upper hand until the Mexican Dreadnoughts El Calavera & Teocali arrived, and began sinking and ramming the Pirate felt which was no match for the Mexican Dreadnoughts. On shore the Mexican troops began assaulting some hastily built barriers by the Pirates who put heavy fire into the oncoming Mexican troops but were unable to stop their charge. It was said by the townspeople of Progress that the Mexicans seem invulnerable as the bullets bounced off them. As the Mexican forces swept the pirates from the sea and land, Captain Gonzalez called a general retreat and his men retreated into the sea. As this reporter got to the battle a day later he found that the Mexicans had left already and no remains of the Gonzalez’s men were to be found. This reporter wonders why the Mexican and Pirate forces fought, and are the Mexican troops actually invulnerable to bullets. If this is true, it could change the balance of power in the Maze.
In a speech before the House, New York representative Thomas Conkling asked that Congress follow the Committee of National Defense’s report that the United States needs to occupy California to control the Ghost Rock mining operations for the defense of the country. “Since we have lost Detroit to the British in 1876, we need to strengthen our resolve in the upcoming battles ahead if we want to survive as a country,” Congressman Conklin was reported to say. Currently the bill is in debate Congress. Can the war drums be coming soon?
The 51st Montana Infantry was massacred three days ago in a daring raid by the 51st to capture ex-general Armstrong Custer who has been leading his rag-tag army against the Sioux for the last year. Colonel Blackstone and his men had military intelligence that Custer was near the Sioux Nation and United States Border and attempted to arrest Custer. Instead of going peacefully, Custer and his men open fired on the 51st and a pitched battle began. Initially outnumbered it looked like Custer would loose, but he must of have been prepared for the 51st for a regiment of Custer’s men came from the rear and left flank to shatter the 51st. Of the 735 men who enter the battle only 126 have so far been counted as survivors. All the men engaged in the battle who have survived have been sent to Fort Grant in Montana to rebuild the unit. War hero Colonel Blackstone’s body has not been found, and the state of Montana, mourns the lost of its beloved son.
James McDuffy along with his two brothers Jake and Jeffery escaped on April 18th as Pinkertons were escorting them to the New York City Courthouse for trial on their murders of U.S. Marshall Robert Thomston in July 1877. Members of the McDuffy gang came out of alleys and stores in the street and shot down the Pinkertons in cold blood. Four Pinkertons have been murdered but their names have yet to be released to the press. James McDuffy was reported by a bystander to have said, “I will have my revenge on everyone that betrayed me.” The gang was captured in Kansas while attempting to rob a Union Blue train, when giant automations of rock attacked the gang. Union Blue representatives have stated that they know nothing of these rock creatures. If you have any information on the whereabouts of the gang, the Pinkertons are offering reward money.
Folks all around the Oconto County area have been getting caught up in the exciting race as H & B and the Oconto each seek to patent a new and improved way of cutting timber. One of the most compelling parts of this drama is that the two men behind the saws use to be fast friends and colleagues! Since the story first broke, this reporter has worked very hard to learn more of this falling out. Sometimes women, or money causes these things, but in the case of two men of science what else could it be but their work? Timber cutting seems to have been a principal interest of both fellows and a few years back they were both working on a project together. This was the Cuts-Saw or Hydro-Saw, depending on whom you ask. It was a similar contraption to what they are working for now, instead of ghost rock it was powered by water. My sources say that, believe it or not, Dr. Quigley had his heart set on naming it the Cuts-Saw.
Which if you say right sounds like “cuts all.” And that’s what Quigley felt it’d do.
Ladd, on the other hand thought that was a poor name for such a grand device and wanted it named the Hydro-saw. Neither Dr. could spare anytime to confirm or deny this as each hurries to finish up work on their saw.
Following the infamous shootout between ‘Smilin’ Jake’ and Buck Black in Cricket County, the crooked lawman has gone to ground. An eye witness to the shooting had these words, “Me an’ Carl sawed thu hol’ thang. That Black lawman tol’ ol’ Jake tu throw down his guns on account of him bein’ in the middle of robbin a bank an all. Well Jakey weren’t no pansy ass Deputy an’ said ‘Bart drop the gun an’come quiet’. Well Black he did drop the gun. An’ drew two more frum under his coat! Cut the man down like an ear o’corn right bufor’ us. I remember Black lafi n’ as he took my money that sonafabitch!” Buck Black’s where-abouts are currently unknown but numerous sightings of a man matching his description have been made as recently as four days ago heading south into Arizona.