Thursday, January 29, 2009

Grimme March’s Forward, April 5th, 1879

The Army of the City of Lost Angles under Reverend Grimme has marched further north and laid siege to Fort Lincoln and Sacramento. He has also attacked and captured the supply and transport town of Freedom. Currently Union forces from Fort Lincoln and Sacramento have moved out and engaged Grimme’s army on the whole front. After the quick military strike a few days ago, when Union forces were in disarray, Grimme has had all his forces concentrate on holding the ground captured. Some speculate that he is waiting for both Fort Lincoln and Sacramento to fall before he moves any further forward.
Ghost Rock Bomb Devastates Lion’s Roar, March 20th, 1879

During the late hours of March 10th a ghost rock bomb was detonated in the warehouse district of Lion’s Roar. So far the death toll is limited to the guards in and or around the warehouse. Over 40 people caught outside the ground zero blast have been listed as wounded.

The explosion that rocked the night and was reported as a "green mushroom shaped cloud" that could be seen for miles outside of town. It lit the sky with an eerie green light and people were said to hear a "loud shrieking scream for hours in town after the blast". So far the causalities number as 37 killed and 42 wounded. Marshall Henry states, “We were lucky that this explosion happened in the warehouse district and not in one of the residential areas of town or the amount of people killed could have been very high. If anyone has any knowledge of who would do such a cowardly attack, please contact the Marshall’s office in Lion’s Roar. There will be a reward for information that leads us to the persons who did this.”

This reporter has heard that Hellstromme Industries has been kind enough to send some of their people to help Lion’s Roar investigate the matter.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Famous Religious Artifact Stolen from St. Petersburg, Russia Cathedral, February 2nd, 1879

On January 30, 1879 a thief stole the Reliquary of Patriarch Job of St. Petersburg. The reliquary contained the skull of its namesake. It was being housed in the Cathedral of the Dormition in St. Petersburg. Patriarch Job was known as a supporter of the nobility in his day and many of the aristocracy visit the relics stored at the Cathedral in hopes of being blessed.

Currently there are no known clues or evidence to direct the Czar or the Church in locating the people responsible for this heinous crime. The Vatican has stated it will help their Orthodox Christian Brothers in any way possible.
Assassination Attempt on Congressman Conkling Thwarted, January 18th, 1879

Two days ago, while Congressman Conkling was overseeing the Union war effort near Goodwill, his carriage was attacked by unknown assailants. The Congressman was attacked by fire and, what some onlookers from the town of Goodwill described as, lightning that was being thrown at the carriage. Congressman Conkling’s bodyguard Captain Elijah Miller rushed forward with some of the soldiers in the convoy to stop the assassins. In desperate hand to hand combat the Union soldiers were able prevail over their enemy and prevent the assassination of one of the United State’s rising leaders. Reports and witnesses indicate there were at least 10 assassins, but so far there has not been any word on who these hired guns work for.